-100 American English 1 User By Approval Outdated Version Admin: Joshua Kocinski
A node for the Kocinski family.
-100 English 180 Users Open Outdated Version Admin: OutsourcedMath Friendica Server Admin
The OutsourcedMath Social site has the intention of hosting content relevant to services offered by Outsourced Math LLC now or in the future. However, any math, social justice, economics, or even political topics are welcome. Currently it's just focusing on finance for the non-financial savvy.
-100 English 3 Users By Approval Outdated Version
Railcar Enthusiast is a social network for fans and operators of restored railway maintenance-of-way vehicles known as speeders or railcars
-100 Deutsch 5 Users By Approval Outdated Version Admin: sascha schroeder (シュローダー·サシャ)
BETA! Don't expect wonders!
-100 English 19 Users By Approval Outdated Version Admin: Spencer
Motley is a small, homegrown social network for friends.
-100 English 2 Users By Approval Outdated Version Admin: Hayden Read
This server is intended for NZ Users only. This site is currently hosted on a VPS in America, but the intent is to move it to a New Zealand Dedicated Server when I can afford too.
-100 English 4 Users By Approval Outdated Version Admin: John Graffio
This site is dedicated to rational thought and against automaton bot cultists that believe whatever they're told.
-100 Čeština 9 Users Open Outdated Version Admin: lamp
Porušování zákonů České republiky není dovoleno. Udělám vše, co je v mých silách, abych tuto instanci udržel funkční. Přesto běh tohoto serveru není zaručen. Svá data si zálohujte! Pokusně jsem otevřel registraci bez schvalování. Vyhrazuji si právo smazat účty, které nadměrně vytěžují server nebo propagují jakékoli ideologie. Účty neaktivní alespoň 6 měsíců budou smazány. ::EN:: Violation of the laws of the Czech Republic is not allowed. I will do my best to keep this instance up and running. However, the running of this server is not guaranteed. Back up your data! I tried to open the registration without approval. I reserve the right to delete accounts that overtax the server or promote any ideologies. Accounts inactive at least 6 months will be deleted.
-100 Polski 63 Users By Approval Outdated Version
Serwer otwarty dla progresywnej obywatelskiej aktywności: TAK dla europejskich wartości, NIE dla nacjonalizmu, homofobii, religijnych fundamentalistów. Rejestracja otwarta, wymaga zaakceptowania przez admina. Posty w językach PL/EN
-100 Čeština 1 User By Approval Outdated Version Admin: Radim
Personal page. Only family members, well known and trusted people could be approved.
-100 Deutsch 3 Users By Approval Outdated Version
Diese Friendica-Instanz ist für Menschen aus Delmenhorst, Ganderkesee und Umgebung - und für Menschen, die sich mit der Region verbunden fühlen.
-100 English 6 Users By Approval Outdated Version Admin: Administrator
This server instance is reserved for known people only (Admin: Ingo van Lessen).
-100 English 50 Users Open Outdated Version Admin: Xiaofei Xu
Mirage is a simulated social network based on Friendica, aiming to perform fake news research (detection/mitigation) in a controlled environment. In this network, we will clone the behaviour of some specific Twitter accounts, spread fact-checked news (both true and fake news) and open it to everyone who wants to involve.
-100 English 26 Users Open Outdated Version Admin: ginAd
freinetz.ch will einen Teil an das Fediverse beitragen und entsprechende Plattformen zur Verfügung stellen.
-100 English 8 Users By Approval Outdated Version Admin: grin
grin's friendica playground.
-100 Português Do Brasil 13 Users Open Outdated Version Admin: Twui
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-100 Deutsch 3 Users By Approval Outdated Version Admin: Admin
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-100 Português Do Brasil 3 Users By Approval Outdated Version Admin: Guto Carvalho
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-100 Deutsch None By Approval Outdated Version Admin: Tino
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-100 Svenska 10 Users By Approval Outdated Version Admin: Andreas Fornberg
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