29 results for "python"

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« Je n’aime pas beaucoup qu’on partage mon opinion, j’ai l’impression de n’avoir plus qu’une demi opinion. » Philippe Geluck

« Je n’aime pas beaucoup qu’on partage mon opinion, j’ai l’impression de n’avoir plus qu’une demi opinion. » Philippe Geluck

linux php python archlinux brevets

php python django friendica graphics music blender gimp inkscape musica grafica 3d gnu linux archlinux floss

Brandenburg , Germany
python linux debian

Schalke , Germany
schalke s04 linux arch diaspora atheism astronomy astronomie physik rasur python php science wissenschaft xfce kde tor privacy freifunk metal kodi raspberry pi koontz zauberei zaubern zaubertrick seti

linux openstreetmap osm 3ddruck selfhosting delmenhorst geocaching werder python

British English
Niedersachsen , Germany
Python SQL mdRzA Eltern Krankenhausreform

British English
Quebec , Canada
linux foss 3dprinting python web startrek corgis coffee iot sci-fi

Saarland , Germany
freesoftware python django climate pratchett scheibenwelt ruhrpott saarland docker Debian siduction

British English
Adelaide , South Australia , Australia
music cycling gardening python data science

Castrop-Rauxel , Nordrhein-Westfalen , Germany
nerd it enthusiast drones photograhy itsec friendica linux dsgvo gdpdr admin developer python fediverse nocar laser showlaser beamer 3dprinter meshtastic maker arduino raspberry; esp32

American English
Colorado , USA
comedy riffing vim neovim linux writing sci-fi programming python php drupal philosophy history cats making progressive

American English
Alexandria , Virginia , USA
Hokie Virginia Tech Soccer Python Data Analytics DIY Automation

British English
Essex , United Kingdom
RaspberryPi linux python sci-fi space technology docker freedom choice

American English
Madrid , Spain
python opensource

New Zealand
Green programmer python scifi civilliberties nzpol ClimateDefense ClimateJustice databases privacy OpenData OpenGovernment OGP Aotearoa

Northern Germany , Germany
computer nomic fediverse fedivoyage startrek music python hamburg philosophy

American English
Warren , Michigan , USA
ruby python elixir r maxima octave manjaro vim pubwan anagorism tradefree

Warsaw , Poland
python linux git teacher

American English
Bremen , Germany
polyglot samurai cli hacker astronomy science selfimprovement languages linux arch gentoo weightloss travel geocaching tcgs rpgs live music physical media bluray vinly comic books blood on the clocktower botc dungeons and dragons dnd magic gathering mtg sorcery contested realm barcamper kiffel deutsch german english español spanish français french japanese 日本語 fantasy fiction sci-fi horror series movies photography python ruby java kotlin rust

Willingen , Hessen , Germany
carving cbg chainsaw debian diy holzwerken hugo javascript jekyll kettlebell linux python sculpture sculpting soapstone speckstein training treeclimbing ubuntu woodworking