9 results for "english"

Santa Ana , San Jose , Costa Rica
fedi22 english español esperanto idolinguo lingwadeplaneta uropi accessibility a11y audhd cybersecurity gamer selfhosting costarica freeculture conlangs softwarelibre freesoftware webdeveloper linux gnu copyleft creativecommons foss opensource programming security technology tootfinder tfr searchable

Santa Ana , San Jose , Costa Rica
fedi22 english español esperanto idolinguo lingwadeplaneta uropi accessibility a11y audhd cybersecurity gamer selfhosting costarica freeculture conlangs softwarelibre freesoftware webdeveloper linux gnu copyleft creativecommons foss opensource programming security technology tootfinder tfr searchable

British English
New Jersey , USA
accessibility Android animals aristocracy BeauBrummell books blind blindness British cats childfree chambermusic classicalmusic cooking crafts dandies dandyism Debian Dreamwidth Edwardian England English French Friendica friendship friends gayrights grammar gardening humour IvorNovello Latin monarchy MS-DOS nasalsnuff naturedocumentaries nineteenthcentury nobility NoelCoward oldermen operettas plants properEnglish Regency RoyalFamily royalty seniors singing snuff summer tea theater theatre upperclass UpperReceivedPronunciation warmweather WindowsXP Windows7

New York City , New York , USA
algorithms architecture astronomy books bookstores bumper stickers cinema clean air comic books comics computer programming computers current events discordianism dogs electronics english ethics history humor life linguistics lists logic mathematics model rocketry music nyc onions paraliterature parody paronomasia periodicals philosophy physics poetry public affairs puns reading retrofuturism rocketry s.m.i².l.e. satire science science fiction skyscrapers software space exploration spaceflight spaceships t-shirts typography vegan walking writing

American English
Galicia , Spain
Cats Boardgames Chess French Spanish English

American English
Bremen , Germany
polyglot samurai cli hacker astronomy science selfimprovement languages linux arch gentoo weightloss travel geocaching tcgs rpgs live music physical media bluray vinly comic books blood on the clocktower botc dungeons and dragons dnd magic gathering mtg sorcery contested realm barcamper kiffel deutsch german english español spanish français french japanese 日本語 fantasy fiction sci-fi horror series movies photography python ruby java kotlin rust

American English
New York , USA
consciousness matter newyork usa fediverse mastodon twitter english books math art philosophy ai aiart midjourney atheist pantheist zen buddhist unitarian universalist discordian leftist antifascist antiracist

American English
music art animals occult sassy spiritual trippy english

American English
swedish english computers virtualization programming networking science